Monday, October 4, 2010

Politicians and other things that make me cranky… � Failing Schools

Politicians and other things that make me cranky… � Failing Schools

Politicians and other things that make me cranky…

OCTOBER 4, 2010
by mariasallee

My writing of late has been sidelined by the fact that I find myself in the midst of some professionally-related dramas that I can’t properly discuss without most likely revealing my true identity. Suffice it to say that there are many distractions from planning engaging instruction and implementing lessons, interactions, observations, and assessments in my classroom. In the midst of it all, I got an e-mail that really annoyed me. If you’ve been following the current trends regarding education and what many politicians are saying, you’re probably a little cranky too. Chris Romer is the guy I’m annoyed with today, after he sent me a cute little e-mail “Grab ‘em