Monday, October 4, 2010

Obama’s Blueprint For Reform Is Very Weak On Parent Engagement/Involvement | Engaging Parents In School...

Obama’s Blueprint For Reform Is Very Weak On Parent Engagement/Involvement | Engaging Parents In School...

Obama’s Blueprint For Reform Is Very Weak On Parent Engagement/Involvement

October 4th, 2010 by Larry Ferlazzo

The Washington Post just ran a column about a new book several education researchers have written severely criticizing the research base of President Obama’s “Blueprint For Reform,” his successor to No Child Left Behind.

Here’s a quote from that column:

For example, it says, “Family involvement is crucial to education, but the evidence for a causal link between student achievement and the type of parent involvement discussed is ambiguous and suspect. The proposals for safe schools boil down to increased local flexibility and increased gathering of survey data, neither of which can be expected to improve outcomes.”

That got me thinking that I should get around to actually reading what the Blueprint says about family involvement/engagement. And, boy, I was surprised to see how weak it really is.

It has three main components:

1. Replicate the Harlem Children’s Zone in twenty