Sunday, June 27, 2010

SUSD, billboards, pensions and World Cup play |

SUSD, billboards, pensions and World Cup play |

SUSD, billboards, pensions and World Cup play

Mike Klocke

Random thoughts for a Sunday morning:

» These are interesting times in the Stockton Unified School District. Through all of the board factions, after all of the posturing and amid residency controversies, it's come to this: Carl Toliver is temporarily in charge. Again.

That could be good for the district. Toliver has had his detractors, but he is a good man who cares about the district and the community. If he can foster some calm amid the chaos, then maybe the Board of Trustees can actually succeed in hiring the right person for the superintendent job - which, by the way, would give them a .333 batting average.