Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pre-kindergarten camps get Sacramento-area kids ready for school - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Pre-kindergarten camps get Sacramento-area kids ready for school - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Pre-kindergarten camps get Sacramento-area kids ready for school

Published: Sunday, Jun. 27, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 1B
As a class of would-be kindergartners sang a song, 5-year-old Kailynn Ayala wept into her curled up fists one morning last week at Tahoe Park Elementary School.
It was the second day of a summer pre-kindergarten camp. Kailynn appeared overwhelmed.
Getting over that separation anxiety is an important first step, said kindergarten teacher Lor Xiong. But Kaitlynn and her classmates have many more milestones to reach before going to kindergarten this fall.
Child development experts say parents should begin preparing their children as early as possible for kindergarten. With class sizes rising in
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The University of California, long beleaguered by financial woes, has finally lost it over what it calls a 400 percent increase in subscription costs for 2011.

As a class of would-be kindergartners sang a song, 5-year-old Kailynn Ayala wept into her curled up fists one morning last week at Tahoe Park Elementary School.
The Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance will receive a $21,000 federal grant to fund a program that will match senior citizens with local students who need academic tutoring.


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