Friday, April 16, 2010

This Week In Education Charters: Darling-Hammond School In Trouble

This Week In Education

Charters: Darling-Hammond School In Trouble

image from Yay! Boo! Charters! Linda Darling-Hammond! The Internets are burning up over news that a California charter affiliated with Stanford professor Linda Darling-Hammond has been denied an extension. The New York Times has it here. Hammond was the victim of a whisper campaign during the decisionmaking process surrounding the selection of the Obama education

AM News: FL Governor Rejects GOP Teacher Pay Plan

6a00e54f8c25c988340120a7f7436e970b-200wi Education" href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(34, 68, 187); ">Florida Governor Splits With G.O.P. on Teacher Pay AP: Gov. Charlie Crist’s decision spurred speculation he would abandon the party to run for Senate as an independent... NYC to stop paying teachers to do nothing AP: The city will end the practice of paying teachers to play Scrabble, read or surf the Internet in reassignment centers nicknamed "rubber rooms" as they await disciplinary hearings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the teachers union announced Thursday... 6 states aim to reform remedial programs at community colleges USA Today: Six states that are trying to revamp remedial education are focusing as much on what happens outside of the classroom in state policies as... Placement firm must refund $1.8M to Filipino teachers USA Today: An L.A.-based firm that placed 350 Filipino teachers in Louisiana public schools must refund as much as $1.8 million in "marketing fees."... CA school board member pleads guilty to sex abuse AP: A California school board member pleaded guilty Thursday to molesting a young girl over a five-year period when prosecutors said she had his baby.