Friday, April 16, 2010

Schools Matter: Official: Rhee's $34 Million Imaginary, But She Has Found an Another Imaginary $29 Million to Almost Replace It

Schools Matter: Official: Rhee's $34 Million Imaginary, But She Has Found an Another Imaginary $29 Million to Almost Replace It

Official: Rhee's $34 Million Imaginary, But She Has Found an Another Imaginary $29 Million to Almost Replace It

Can there possibly be any more evidence required that the fuming sourpuss, Michelle Rhee, is not up the task--and possibly out of control? From Bill Turque:

The District's chief financial officer said Thursday that a $34 million surplus in the school system's budget, cited by Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee as a major source of funding for raises promised to teachers in a proposed labor contract, does not exist.
Natwar M. Gandhi's analysis, outlined in a stinging letter to Rhee, is likely to raise new questions about the prospects for an agreement between the city and the Washington Teachers' Union. Thetentative accord introduced last week, which must be approved by union members and the D.C. Council, was the product of more than two years of contentious bargaining and was hailed