Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Local News | Outdoor preschool takes root on Vashon Island | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Outdoor preschool takes root on Vashon Island | Seattle Times Newspaper

Outdoor preschool takes root on Vashon Island

A preschool on Vashon Island is held completely outdoors, rain or shine, and it's so popular that it has a waiting list.

All put in a Thermos of hot water brought to the remote site by teacher Erin Kenny.
This is tea, which the preschoolers will drink at snack time.
That these youngsters, ages 3 to 5, can identify the plants and know which are edible may seem incredible. But not to Kenny, who created Cedarsong Nature Preschool two years ago.
It's completely outdoors. The school's motto: "Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls."
The Vashon Island school is so popular it has a waiting list. Only once in the two years Kenny has run the school has a class gone indoors. That was in the

Massive layoff of teachers in U.S. feared

School districts across the country, forced to resort to drastic money-saving measures, are warning hundreds of thousands of teachers that their jobs may be eliminated in June.
As a result, the 2010-11 school term is shaping up as one of the most austere in the last half-century. In addition to teacher layoffs, districts plan to close schools, cut programs, enlarge classes and shorten the school day, week or year to save money.
"We are doing things and considering options I never thought I'd have to consider," said Peter Gorman, superintendent of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools, which expect to cut 600 of the North Carolina district's