Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Washington Teacher: Rhee On Her Soap-Box Again, Shame On Anderson Cooper !

The Washington Teacher: Rhee On Her Soap-Box Again, Shame On Anderson Cooper !

Rhee On Her Soap-Box Again, Shame On Anderson Cooper !

Much to my own discomfort, I forced myself to watch a clip of Anderson Cooper 360. Gag me with a spoon. Here's the video clip link. Just more of the same of Rhee on her soap box with unedited teacher bashing . Many who watched Michelle Rhee on Cooper's Thursday evening show were infuriated about the production of 'What's Next -Education ?' If you were watching, the answer to that question is more of the same. Stay tuned for more firings, more firings and more firings by Chancellor Michelle Rhee . It brings to mind Bill Turque's recent article in which he reported that Rhee vowed not to make teacher cuts despite a budget deficit that extends into 20011. Seems as though the WaPo had to offer a retraction to this mis- characterization as this isn't exactly what Rhee meant. The word 'vow' afterall just isn't in Rhee's vocabulary and gives us a hint of what's up ahead. So don't be surprised if DC teachers are amongst the group to get the axe along with security and central office staff in the upcoming RIF's.

The perpetual theme of Rhee's argument on and off the show seems to continue to be that ineffective teachers are to blame for all that's wrong in urban education. Of course the show infers that ineffective teachers are typically older teachers who stay beyond their time. Even the first snap shop is an adolescent student complaining about older teachers with connections. Bah humbug ! Most students I know consider all of their teachers old even when their teachers are only 26. Seems like this snapshot was intentionally staged by Cooper's producers unfortunately.
What ate at me most is this reference to teachers as 'human capital' as though teachers are something to be disposed of. Rhee's remarks lacked substance and had she been required to be a part of an educational panel, she would have been kicked to the curb quickly by anyone with a miniscule of knowledge about public education. Even a young student featured in a clip recognized the importance of having technology to enhance learning. Rhee quickly dismissed this yet when asked by Cooper what 3 things she neeed most, she commented among them, her email and prized laptop.