Saturday, January 9, 2010

Schoolfinance101’s Blog

Schoolfinance101’s Blog

Education Trust is Flat-Out Wrong!!!!!

Sometimes I just get fed up with information spewed in the media which is simply FLAT OUT WRONG!!!! A  major source of FLAT OUT  WRONG information on school funding related issues these days seems to be the Education Trust, an organization which spins itself as an advocate for minority children and children in poverty. Here’s what I read this morning in the New York Times:
On the other hand, Southern politicians are keenly aware of the need for an educated work force. Spurred in part by school financing lawsuits, more than half the 15 states included in the study already provide more state and local financing to heavily poor or minority districts than to affluent or low-minority ones, according to figures compiled by Education Trust, an advocacy group in Washington. But schools often layer programs on top of programs without analyzing which are effective, said Daria Hall, the trust’s director of K-12 policy.
Now, I can’t find the supposed list of 15 states (apparently, the list of fifteen is from this report)  which Education Trust considers “southern” states, but