Friday, April 9, 2021

Teacher Tom: We Too Often Rob Children of What Makes Anything Worth Pursuing

Teacher Tom: We Too Often Rob Children of What Makes Anything Worth Pursuing
We Too Often Rob Children of What Makes Anything Worth Pursuing

"Don't worry Leon, you can always make some more blood."

I heard Luke say it in passing, consoling his friend, as I was on my way to somewhere else. Not having heard what came before or after, it struck me as both hilarious and intriguing. I couldn't help but try to bring it up again. When next Luke and I met on the playground, I said, "You can always make some more blood."

"It's true, Teacher Tom! Your heart pumps and makes more blood. That's why you don't run out when you bleed." Luke knows a little something about bleeding. "And you know what else? Blood is really blue."

I was sitting on the ground with Audrey and a couple of other kids. Audrey interrupted, "No, blood is red."

"No, really," Luke said, turning to her persuasively, "It's blue inside, but when it comes out it looks red."

"Luke, it's red. I've seen it."

"No really, it's true, it's blue."

I thought I could clarify. "I think what Luke is saying is that CONTINUE READING: Teacher Tom: We Too Often Rob Children of What Makes Anything Worth Pursuing