Friday, April 9, 2021

Nancy Bailey: Why I Write About Students and Public Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog

Nancy Bailey: Why I Write About Students and Public Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog
Nancy Bailey: Why I Write About Students and Public Schools

Nancy Bailey is a retired teacher and a terrific blogger. She and I co-authored a book called EdSpeak and DoubleTalk: A Glossary to Decipher Hypocrisy and Save Public Schooling. We have never met in person but I asked her to help me revise a similar book that I published a decade earlier; it had become obsolete. Now it is the go-to book to understand education jargon and decipher hoaxes. It was a joy to work with her. Nancy wrote this post for me while I was out of commission having surgery.

Why I Write About Students and Public Schools

Democratic Public Schools

Ensuring that the public has access to good public schools after Covid-19 is more critical than ever. We cannot go back to continuous high-stakes testing and schools that punish teachers and students, especially our youngest learners. Schools should also not be allowed to continue to collect unregulated data through online CONTINUE READING: Nancy Bailey: Why I Write About Students and Public Schools | Diane Ravitch's blog