Thursday, March 4, 2021

Teacher Tom: Despite My Utter Lack of "Teaching"

Teacher Tom: Despite My Utter Lack of "Teaching"
Despite My Utter Lack of "Teaching"

I never pretend to know what kids will learn on any given day and, honestly, any teacher who does is either deluded or blowing smoke. No one can possibly know what another person is going to learn. You can hope. You can plan. You can lecture yourself blue. You can even, if you're especially clever, trick someone into learning something, but the idea that one person can "teach" something to another, except under narrow circumstances, is one of the great educational myths.

There is a quote that is most often attributed to the Buddha, but is more likely of Theosophical origins, that goes: "When the student is ready the master will appear." I like these kinds of quotes that persist because they are true even when they can't be traced back to the utterances of Buddha, Socrates, or Einstein. This one is even so true that there is a corollary: "When the master is ready the student will appear." CONTINUE READING: 
Teacher Tom: Despite My Utter Lack of "Teaching"