Thursday, March 4, 2021

New Hampshire: Bitter Fight Over Voucher Bill: Join the Fight to Save Public Schools! | Diane Ravitch's blog

New Hampshire: Bitter Fight Over Voucher Bill | Diane Ravitch's blog
New Hampshire: Bitter Fight Over Voucher Bill

Parents and educators overwhelmingly oppose the New Hampshire voucher proposal, which would be the most expansive in the country. In terms of turnout, voucher opponents outnumber proponents by 6-1. Proponents claim that it is only educators who oppose vouchers, but many parents turned out to testify against the legislation.

Yet the Republican sponsors of the bill are forging ahead, claiming that so few children want a voucher that it would have no impact on the budget. In fact, the bill would have the state pick up the cost of tuition for children currently attending religious and private schools, and would fund homeschoolers as well. Critics estimate the cost at $100 million per year.

As background to the discussion, take a look at the research on vouchers. This report from the Center for American Progress finds that using a voucher is equivalent to missing about one-third of a year in school. Yet 23 states, including New Hampshire, are going full speed ahead to enact a harmful and demonstrably CONTINUE READING: New Hampshire: Bitter Fight Over Voucher Bill | Diane Ravitch's blog

New Hampshire: Join the Fight to Save Public Schools!

Rightwing Republicans in New Hampshire are determined to give away public school dollars to religious schools, private schools, home schoolers, for-profit schools, and anyone who claims to be operating a “school.”

If you live in New Hampshire, you can join with others to stop this raid on public money.

“Reaching Higher New Hampshire” is forming a state network for those interested in public education, to serve as an information-sharing and networking hub. It’s first meeting is on March 10 at 3 p.m. They be covering vouchers, funding/state budget, the State Board and DOE, and a few other topics. If you’re interested in joining, please fill out this form or send an email to Christina Pretorius at

People united can defeat a raid on the people’s common good.

New Hampshire: Join the Fight to Save Public Schools!

Vouchers Would Ruin Public Education in New Hampshire | Diane Ravitch's blog - via @dianeravitch