Wednesday, July 15, 2020

NANCY BAILEY: Seeking SOLUTIONS to Help With Schooling During Covid-19: Here’s 18!

Seeking SOLUTIONS to Help With Schooling During Covid-19: Here’s 18!

Seeking SOLUTIONS to Help With Schooling During Covid-19: Here’s 18!

How can we help students learn at home during this school crisis? Many parents and teachers are still uncomfortable with plans to reopen schools. Some school districts are postponing school re-openings.
Remote learning and Internet connection should be available to all children, but how can we help students learn without relying on screens?
Everyone’s struggling to find answers, so your ideas are welcome here. Here are some thoughts.

1. Weekly Learning Packets *

Teachers have been providing students with learning packets filled with instructional activities, assignments, worksheets, and informal assessments.
Each week elementary students get an envelope in the mail. Middle and high school students get several packets for each subject, or one large packet with assignments and activities for each subject. Teachers can get as creative as they want with these packets. They should include a return self-addressed envelope.
School staff like bus drivers, and those who aren’t working, might work with teachers to collect packet material and prepare it for mailing.
Sending learning packets by mail, have the added benefit of giving the post office more business!

2. “Educational Toys” Drive 

Think Toys for Tots, only Educational Toys and books for kids at home during Covid-19.
Determine games and materials for learning to take place at home. PTA’s might request help from big chain community stores and others who wish to donate.
Getting age appropriate learning games (don’t forget dolls and cuddle toys) into the hands of children, will brighten their days and keep students busy.
Think building blocks, Legos, Little People, puzzles, and board games that work on counting, reading, and more. See:  MindWare,     Fat Brain Toys,     Discovery Toys.
What free household items safely help children learn?

3. Hire More Teachers CONTINUE READING: Seeking SOLUTIONS to Help With Schooling During Covid-19: Here’s 18!