Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mike Pence: We Don’t Want CDC Guidelines Determining When We Open Schools

Mike Pence: We Don’t Want CDC Guidelines Determining When We Open Schools

Mike Pence: We Don’t Want CDC Guidelines Determining When We Open Schools. (This Is Not an Onion Headline)

There are times when the news is so outrageous it almost seems satirical and then there is the Trump administration, which has skirted the line between truth and fiction so much that there is no line anymore.

On Tuesday, the vice president, who may or may not be a sexless robot or a piece of sheet cake, spoke at a press conference in Baton Rouge, La., in which he toed the company line and downplayed the coronavirus, aka the NeNe Leakes of viruses, and pushed for schools reopening despite the coronavirus running throughout the country like the Kardashians at an NBA All-Star game.

Pence claimed “our ability to respond to this pandemic is substantially better than two or three months ago,” WWLTV reports. And, Pence is correct. The response two or three months ago was shit, and the improvement has been slightly better than shit.

Pence also carried the White House message that despite the hellfire and brimstone and the raging waters, children should still be in school.

“We believe it’s in the best interests of get students back on CONTINUE READING: Mike Pence: We Don’t Want CDC Guidelines Determining When We Open Schools