Friday, April 10, 2020

For next COVID bill, NEA urges Congress to think big - Education Votes

For next COVID bill, NEA urges Congress to think big - Education Votes

For next COVID bill, NEA urges Congress to think big

As a fourth coronavirus legislative package begins to take shape, NEA is urging Congress to address immediate needs like funding as well as long-festering problems ranging from the homework gap to student loan debt. On April 9, NEA sent every member of Congress a detailed list of top priorities for students and educators accompanied by a letter urging lawmakers to see the current crisis for what it is: a wake-up call, not a passing storm. Like 9/11 and the Great Depression, the coronavirus crisis is destined to have a lasting impact on our way of life. Now is time to renew America’s promise of equal opportunity and justice for all.
Email your members of Congress and tell them to do more to address the coronavirus crisis. For next COVID bill, NEA urges Congress to think big - Education Votes
Big Education Ape: Republicans seeking broad authority to cut aid to schools and state programs as part of coronavirus response | Educate All Students, Support Public Education -