Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blaming Schools for Student Absences is Like Denouncing Doctors for Disease | gadflyonthewallblog

Blaming Schools for Student Absences is Like Denouncing Doctors for Disease | gadflyonthewallblog

Blaming Schools for Student Absences is Like Denouncing Doctors for Disease
If something is wrong with children, it must be the school’s fault.
If kids can’t read, write and do ‘rithmetic, the teachers must not have taught ’em right.
Except that it almost always does.
None of that is under the control of teachers or schools, but a focus on high stakes standardized testing, school privatization and dangerously unregulated ed tech hides the problem.
It’s not that teachers don’t teach. Inequality, prejudice and privatization – these are the root causes and the reason we do nothing about them generation after CONTINUE READING: Blaming Schools for Student Absences is Like Denouncing Doctors for Disease | gadflyonthewallblog