Wednesday, January 18, 2017

SPECIAL: The Morning After Betsy DeVos' Confirmation Hearing #BetsyDeVos #DeVosHearing #dumpdevos

SPECIAL: The Morning After Betsy DeVos' Confirmation Hearing #BetsyDeVos  #DeVosHearing #dumpdevos

DeVos says she won’t force private school voucher plan on states | EdSource
DeVos says she won’t force private school voucher plan on states | EdSource : DeVos says she won't force private school voucher plan on states At a contentious confirmation hearing that mostly broke along party lines, Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to be secretary of education, said she wouldn’t try to force states to adopt private school voucher programs along the lines of t
Diane Ravitch's blog | Is Trump's Pick for Education Secretary an Enemy of Public Schools?
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all : Is Trump's Pick for Education Secretary an Enemy of Public Schools? DeVos: Schools May Need Guns to Protect Against Grizzly Bears 2 by dianeravitch / 17min Betsy DeVos was questioned resistance to federal threats to public schools, California educators will join with parents, students, labor and civic leaders and communities on Thursday in cal
Answer Sheet Valerie Strauss covers Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing - The Washington Post
Answer Sheet - The Washington Post : Answer Sheet Valerie Strauss covers Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing 4K by Valerie Strauss / 9h At her contentious confirmation hearing as Donald Trump’s nominee to be education secretary on Tuesday, Betsy DeVos was asked a question by Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) about a
WATCH: Al Franken destroys Education appointee Betsy DeVos over her support for gay conversion therapy
WATCH: Al Franken destroys Education appointee Betsy DeVos over her support for gay conversion therapy : WATCH: Al Franken destroys Education appointee Betsy DeVos over her support for gay conversion therapy Mi nnesota Sen. Al Franken (D) processes on school choice and other issues in a recent commentary for The Oklahoman . Among other things, Loveless wrote that he believes in
CURMUDGUCATION: Meanwhile... : Meanwhile... It has been one of those days. Not bad, but about sixteen hours long, and so I have followed the DeVos hearing via occasional peeks at Twitter, and I'll catch up over the hours ahead in short burst so that my blood pressure does not shoot the nails off the ends of my fingers. But I will confess that as strongly as I believe we should tell our senators r
In Penetrating Analysis, Joanne Barkan Predicts Likely Direction of a DeVos Education Department | janresseger
In Penetrating Analysis, Joanne Barkan Predicts Likely Direction of a DeVos Education Department | janresseger : In Penetrating Analysis, Joanne Barkan Predicts Likely Direction of a DeVos Education Department Joanne Barkan has published another of her remarkably lucid and well-written articles at Dissent , this time a profile of Betsy DeVos. Barkan explicitly predicts how DeVos, if she is confir
Betsy DeVos and the Prince of darkness. | Fred Klonsky
Betsy DeVos and the Prince of darkness. | Fred Klonsky : Betsy DeVos and the Prince of darkness. Okay. So the next Secretary of Education doesn’t know what the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is. She thinks schools should have guns in case of Grizzley bears. I have to admit that I found Al Franken’s gotcha on the debate over growth scores and competency a little confusing mysel
CURMUDGUCATION: DeVos Song and Dance
CURMUDGUCATION: DeVos Song and Dance : "DeVos Song and Dance" DeVos Song and Dance I am grateful that work kept me from experiencing the DeVos hearing in one long take, like a thousand fingernails being dragged down a twenty-mile report about student assessment in our public schools is due to come out soon, has asked all the wrong questions. We, therefore, can’t have any confiden
Ignorance and Arrogance – the Defining Characteristics of the Betsy DeVos Hearing | gadflyonthewallblog
Ignorance and Arrogance – the Defining Characteristics of the Betsy DeVos Hearing | gadflyonthewallblog : Ignorance and Arrogance – the Defining Characteristics of the Betsy DeVos Hearing Betsy DeVos wouldn’t commit to protecting students with special needs. She wouldn’t commit to keeping guns out of school campuses . She wouldn’t commit to holding charter and voucher schools to the same standard
Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education
Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education : Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education I was asked to write about the Betsy DeVos confirmation hearing and special education. So here is a quick rundown. I was pleasantly surprised at some of the questioning by Democrats. I know education reform is often bi-partisan, but the Dems hit some high notes tonight. I came away with
Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing - The Washington Post
Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing - The Washington Post : Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing At her contentious confirmation hearing as Donald Trump’s nominee to be education secretary on Tuesday, Betsy DeVos was asked a question by Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) about an important educatio
DeVos Meets Warren - Living in Dialogue
DeVos Meets Warren - Living in Dialogue : DeVos Meets Warren DeVos Meets Warren - Living in Dialogue :
Here Are Just Some of the Stunningly Bad Moments From Betsy DeVos' Confirmation Hearing | Mother Jones
Here Are Just Some of the Stunningly Bad Moments From Betsy DeVos' Confirmation Hearing | Mother Jones : Here Are Just Some of the Stunningly Bad Moments From Betsy DeVos' Confirmation Hearing "Do you not want to answer my question?" Betsy DeVos' confirmation hearing to become President-elect Donald Trump's education secretary was originally scheduled for last Wednesday but was ultimately postpon
Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders | deutsch29
Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders | deutsch29 : Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders Below is the text of US ed sec nominee Betsy DeVos’ opening remarks at her January 17, 2017, hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. First, a few obs
Schooling in the Ownership Society: From Davos to DeVos
Schooling in the Ownership Society: From Davos to DeVos : From Davos to DeVos As the world's super-wealthy and super-powerful gather this week in Davos for the World Economic Forum, the spotlight is once again on the widening chasm of wealth these, but… law school. Student Empowerment - Culture and Languag


RECAP: FULL COMMITTEE HEARING #BetsyDeVos Nomination Sec of Ed #DeVosHearing #dumpdevos
RECAP: FULL COMMITTEE HEARING #BetsyDeVos Nomination Sec of Ed #DeVosHearing #dumpdevos