Monday, November 21, 2016

CURMUDGUCATION: MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder)

CURMUDGUCATION: MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder):

MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder)

Last September, seven Detroit school children filed suit against the state of Michigan for depriving those children of an actual education. The state's defense is... well, not encouraging.

Let's dispense with the obvious first. While I don't have a lot of background on the case, I'm going to guess that the seven school children didn't save their lunch money and then put in a call to California law firm Public Counsel. Nor do I think these seven precocious urchins said, "Perhaps you could use our situation to establish a heretofore unestablished constitutional right to an education in the US, using our case to break new grounds in jurisprudence. Can we be done in time to watch Spongebob?" One actual fun note though-- while most of the plaintiffs are public school students, one is a student from a now-defunct charter. At any rate, I guess this is how important lawsuits are filed these days.

Here's what one plaintiff, Jamarria Hall, has to say:

I have friends who can’t read, but it’s not because they aren’t smart, it’s because the State has failed them. I feel like Governor Snyder doesn’t care about me or my friends. We stood up for ourselves and wrote letters asking him to fix our school. But he never gave us a response.

And here's what the class action lawsuit has to say:

Decades of State disinvestment in and deliberate indifference to the Detroit schools have denied 
CURMUDGUCATION: MI: State Tells Students To Get Lost (If you can read this, don't thank Gov. Snyder):