Saturday, August 30, 2014

NYC Educator: What Do the Reform Folk Do?

NYC Educator: What Do the Reform Folk Do?:

What Do the Reform Folk Do?

What Do the Reform Folk Do? 
By Learner and Loewe (Scorer)
Based on the Tune from Camelot

What do the reform folk do
To help them escape when they're blue?
The Duncan who is ailing, the Bill Gates who is glum
The Coleman who is wailing from branding kids dumb

When they're beset and harassed
The folk not of the common class
However do they manage to shed their weary lot?
Oh, what do reform folk do, we do not?

I have been informed by those who know them well
They find relief in quite a clever way
When they're sorely pressed, they craft tests for a spell
And testing seems to brighten up their day

And that's what reform folk do, so they say
They craft tests?
So they say

What else do the reform folk do
To pluck up the heart and get through?
The wee folk and the grown folk
Who wander to and fro
Have ways known to their own folk
We small folk don't know
When all the doldrums begin
What keeps each of them in his skin?

What modern native custom
Provides the needed glow?
Oh, what do reform folk do?, Do you know?

Once, upon the road, I came upon John King
VAMing in a voice three times his size
When I asked him why, he told me not a thing
But VAMing always made his spirits rise

So that's what reform folk do, I surmise
They VAM?
I surmise

What else do the reform folk do?
They must have a system or two
They obviously outshine us at turning tears to mirth
Have tricks an average joe is minus from birth

What, then, I wonder, do they
To chase all the goblins away?
They have some elite sorcery you haven't mentioned yet
Oh, what do reform folk do to forget?

Often, I am told, they raise funds for charter schools
And collect while they're completely free of rules
Soon they stuff their bank and all bring their candy
To an enthused Governor called Andy
And that's what reform folk do, so I'm told

What else do the reform folk do
To help them escape when they're blue?
They sit around and wonder what simple folk do
And that's what reform folk do

Oh, no, really
I have it on the best authority
Yes, that's what reform folk do