Saturday, August 30, 2014

Justice for Michael Brown – Petition - Save Our Schools March

Save Our Schools March – Justice for Michael Brown – Petition:

    Justice for Michael Brown – Petition

    We need to talk about Ferguson, brothers and sisters.
    Not about the protestors—the vast majority of whom are peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights. Not about police militarization, either, which has only escalated tension on the ground.
    We need to talk about justice for Michael Brown. Justice rests in the hands of one person: St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch, a man with deep personal, family, and professional ties to the local police department.
    This is the man who is supposed to remain unbiased, present evidence to a grand jury, and bring charges against the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown…
    Send your message today
    Mr. McCulloch’s father was a police officer killed in the line of duty in 1964. His brother, uncle, and cousin all served in the St. Louis Police Department, and his mother was a clerk in the department.
    It is impossible to believe he can remain unbiased in this case. So far, local investigators and law enforcement have been slow to speak to witnesses, eager to arrest journalists and attack peaceful protesters, and surprisingly quick to release unrelated video “evidence” only meant to distract from the investigation. Does this seem unbiased to you?
    We want justice and transparency, no more, no less. We can still restore trust in this case, but only if Governor Jay Nixon or state Attorney General Chris Koster acts today.
    Urge Governor Nixon and state Attorney General Koster to appoint a special prosecutor, in the name of an unbiased and transparent investigation into this shooting:
    In solidarity,
    Cornell William Brooks
    President and CEO – NAACP

    Michael Brown – In Memorial, In Solidarity

         Save Our Schools joins the Network for Public Education and other public education advocacy organizations in decrying, in the strongest terms, the killing of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri and the subsequent suppression of the community’s right to free speech and assembly.
         SOS is committed to eliminating the systemic social, economic and racial injustices that plague our society and endanger the nation’s youth on our streets, in our schools and on our borders. We urge all concerned educators, parents and community members to join us in advocating for an end to the school-to-prison pipeline that criminalizes and incarcerates our youth at alarming rates and to the militarization of local law enforcement agencies that should be protecting the public’s civil and constitutional rights. We further call for a unified campaign to ensure the right of all young people to a childhood free of the devastating effects of poverty on their health, safety and education. SOS recognizes that a democratic, equitably funded public school system is a civil right and human right of every child and fundamental to ensuring a future in which they realize their full personal potential and become active and productive members of society.
         Save Our Schools applauds the teachers, administrators and volunteers of Ferguson, Missouri, who refused to delay the beginning of the school year and instead brought the education of their students to alternative spaces, such as libraries and community buildings. Once again, educators have demonstrated to our nation their professionalism and dedication, whether by placing themselves directly in harm’s way to protect their students, by marching with communities to prevent school closures, or by delivering quality education despite the obstacles of corporate driven federal mandates. Save Our Schools remains committed to ensuring that our public school systems respect and honor their professional educators and recognize the critical role they play in the lives of our youth.
    Sign’s petition if you agree enough is enough.

    Send an urgent message to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon and Attorney General Chris Koster demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Michael Brown’s shooting.