Monday, July 28, 2014

7-28-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

National PTA Sponsoring Common Core Ads on Facebook
I would guess if you are a PTA member and on Facebook, these PTA-sponsored ads will pop up on your Facebook page.Would be nice if someone had proofread it first. Disappointing that National PTA is going this direction rather than having a real conversation about the issue and parents' concerns.

Where's the problem?
Over and over again we see that the problem is not inadequate policies or procedures but the absence of any enforcement and the absence of any accountability for those who violate the policies and procedures.And who has the job of enforcing policy and holding staff accountable? The Board.
Garfield Field Trip Assault: Continuing Questions
1) There is a lengthy account at the Facebook page associated with the family of the student assaulted.  I do have a few questions but I'll wait and see if the family contacts me.  It is fairly well-fleshed out so they were clearly documenting as they went along (a very good thing for all parents to do should any type of school situation arise - document everything).2) I called the Seattle office

Downtown School; Maybe Something Deeper Happening
There is nothing on the Seattle Schools calendar for this week.  Well, there is one meeting happening and yet strangely, it does not appear on the district calendar.  It's almost as if this meeting is really for one purpose or group.  It's the meeting at the Downtown Library about SPS taking over the Federal Reserve building. (The meeting is at 6 pm in the "Microsoft" auditorium with a w

7-27-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Something Horrible Under Every RockPeople frequently ask me "What fuels your activist energy?" and I tell them "Outrage." "But how," they ask,"can you stay outraged for fourteen years?" "I can't." I tell them. "I'm newly outraged every couple days. And you would be too if you watched the District closely. There