Friday, July 25, 2014

7-25-14 Perdido Street School Week

Perdido Street School:

When Does Governor Cuomo Surface?
It's been five days since Governor Cuomo appeared in public, three days since the now infamous NY Times/Moreland story revealed the extent of his administration's tampering into the Moreland Commission.Capital Confidential puts all this in context:It’s been five days since @NYGovCuomo has appeared in public. We are unable to find a weekday gap that long in recent public schedules.— Capitol Confide

Microsoft Lays Off 18,000 Employees Based Not On Performance Or Worth To The Company, But By Algorithm
The people going after teacher tenure and seniority protections always claim that they want these gone so that when layoffs come, teachers can be retained based upon performance and value, not time with the district.But according to one former employee, Microsoft - the company founded by one of the major opponents to teacher protections, Bill Gates - just let 18,000 people go randomly:At the end o

The Close Ties Between Christie And Cuomo
Zach Fink has more on the close ties between Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo in his State of Politics piece exploring why Christie, as head of the Republican Governors Association, may not be helping GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino against Governor Cuomo in this year's election:Finally, there is the Cuomo-Christie connection. Astorino raised this on Tuesday, suggesting Cuomo may have help

What If There's No Legal Jeopardy For Cuomo In The Moreland Mess?
Nick Reisman writes Three Reasons Why Moreland Won't Stick, And Why It Might.He notes that the scandal is an insider baseball one, without hookers or indictments in the executive, and the latest Siena poll shows "corruption" way down the list of public concerns in 2014.He also notes that it's not clear if Cuomo administration tampering into the Moreland Commission constituted any law-bre

Governor Cuomo Remains In Hiding For A Third Straight Day
State of Politics:Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in New York City, with nothing public planned.When will the governor face the public and explain himself on the Moreland/NY Times story?He kept out of sight yesterday too, instead issuing press release after press release about everything in the world except Moreland. Is he going to stay hidden for the rest of the summer, then re-emerge in September and claim

7-24-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Did Cuomo Break The Law By Tampering With The Moreland Commission?The answer is, maybe:Cuomo's camp contends his office had the right to guide the panel under the language of the 1907 Moreland Act, which allows the governor to investigate any executive branch agency or related entity. While past governors have used the statute to examine the inner workings of government and