Friday, July 25, 2014

7-25-14 Curmudgucation


How Much Money Is Tenure Worth?
Economist Allison Schrager is quoted over at Yahoo putting forth the idea that tenure is worth cold hard cash.Certainly this is not the first time the idea has been introduced. She Who Will Not Be Named tried in DC to introduce a plan to have a non-tenure big-buck track. This failed to get traction, perhaps because it's hard not to see trading tenure for big bucks as being synonymous with trading
Memo to Three-Year-Old Slackers
To: American Three-Year-OldsFrom: America's Education Reform Thought Leaders'Re: Get to work, you lazy slackersIt has come to our attention that your older brothers and sisters have been showing up to Kindergarten completely unprepared for the requirements of a rigorous education. It is time to nip this indolent behavior in the bud. You probably don't even know what 'indolent" means, do you?
No Shocking News About Principals In Study
In all of public education, is there a job that has gotten worse in past years than that of principals? And yes-- there are many, many truly terrible principals out there. How surprising is that, really? Who would want to sign up for a job that provides all of the responsibility with none of the power and the absolute guarantee that somebody in your district will be hating pretty much every decisi
7-24-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Racing to the Bottom: The New School Leadership ChallengeAs the assault on public education continues, school leaders face an unprecedented challenge-- how to win the race to the bottom without being too obvious about it.Occasionally, somebody notices that a district is becoming too successful in trashing its own mission. Just this week in Indianapolis, members of the school board