Friday, May 23, 2014

They don’t make Family Values the way they used to. | Reclaim Reform

They don’t make Family Values the way they used to. | Reclaim Reform:

They don’t make Family Values the way they used to.

When a billionaire runs for governor and spends his own mega-bucks on ads to proclaim his beliefs and the beliefs of his wife, who takes part in those ads, people expect some form of honesty no matter how shallow the statements may be.
The fact that he was married before, had a “paramour” – a term used in his divorce proceedings – had children ages, six, four and one years of age during this period, later married his non-paramour who claims to be a Democrat who contributes to the Tea Party – a woman who was set to marry another man when Bruce came along – and manages to use his connections to block and hide his past from the Chicago Tribune and evenWikipedia, and…
No this is not a soap opera in spite of seeming like one.
Bruce Rauner, the Republican Tea Party candidate for Illinois governor, wants to close public schools, fire teachers, mandate even more high stakes testing, cut pensions for grandmothers and other assorted old people, and break the oath of office he has not even taken yet to protect the US and state constitutions which safeguard citizens from these cuts – well, he is the epitome of the arrogance of super-wealth which allows him to claim one set of things while doing the opposite.
Read more HERE and HERE.
Rauner Bruce OinkFamily values? Rauner doesn’t even posses common human decency.
Two questions:
Why would any woman vote for Rauner?
Why would any man vote for Rauner?
By the way, did you know that Rauner’s firm, while personally lead by him, was involThey don’t make Family Values the way they used to. | Reclaim Reform: