Friday, May 23, 2014

Sponsor a Student!: Inform Your Policymaker Why Vouchers Have Failed | Cloaking Inequity

Sponsor a Student!: Inform Your Policymaker Why Vouchers Have Failed | Cloaking Inequity:

Sponsor a Student!: Inform Your Policymaker Why Vouchers Have Failed

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WE NEED YOUR HELP! Do you believe in public education? Do you want US policymakers to understand why decision makers in Chile have now judged vouchers to be problematic after 30 years of universal implementation? Do you have frequent flier miles you can donate? Sponsor a grad student today!
This summer, I along with eight UT-Austin graduate students will travel to Santiago, Chile with Professor Julian Vasquez Heilig to conduct field research that will result in a policy brief, op-eds and a peer-reviewed academic paper detailing recent changes in Chile’s market-based education policy proposed this past April by Chile’s current Education Minister Nicholas Eyzaguirre.
Background: A Seachange for Voucher Policy
After two years of intense student protests, Minister Eyzaguirre indicated that current President Michelle Bachelet’s administration will propose an overhaul of the education system. The student movement in Chile has demanded regulation of the market-driven Chilean educational system and the strengthening of public education, but it is unclear why and how these transformations are going to take place.  Our research seeks to understand and derive lessons from the process and implementation of Chilean educational reform.
Chile’s three decades of implementation and very recent pull back from vouchers can help inform U.S. educational
policymakers as vouchers— an old idea once used to fight desegregation in the US South— are once againSponsor a Student!: Inform Your Policymaker Why Vouchers Have Failed | Cloaking Inequity: