Monday, May 12, 2014

Morning Wink 5-12-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2


5-12-14 LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH Diane Ravitch's blog #thankateacher #EDCHAT #P2
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Why the Common Core Standards for Grades K-3 Are WrongA group of early childhood educators explain here why the Common Core is inappropriate for children in grades K-3. This statement is an excerpt from their joint publication “Defending the Early Years.”   The first mistake of the Common Core is that it “maps backwards” from what
5-12-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Meanwhile in Bridgeport…  More state funds to Moales’ Kingdom Little Ones in Christ Inc.Late last week, two new articles about Reverend Kenneth Moales Jr, were posted here on Wait, What? Moales is the controversial Bridgeport political figure who serves as Mayor Bill Finch’s campaign treasurer, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s cheerleader and was the titular head of the Paul Vallas “fan
5-12-14 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: 4 high school senior pranks that went wildYou’d think that after more than a dozen years in school, high school seniors would know what will get them into trouble and what won’t, but apparently some don’t.  It’s senior prank season, and while some have been innocuous, others have led to arrests and suspensions, with one school seeing nearly 20 percent of the […]3 by Valerie Strau
5-12-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida ALL Week
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: On Voucher Expansion, “Floridians Will Pay For the Legislature’s Sins For Years”While the propaganda campaign is already underway by Step Up for Students to advance that narrative that more people are for voucher expansion than there really are, the editors of the Tampa
5-12-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: My Latest NY Times Post For ELLs is on Mexico, Travel & “Articles”In my latest NY Times post for English Language Learners, learn about Mexico, words that are “articles,” and how students can create reports on what they would do if they could spend 36 hours in any country. A student interactive and links to models are i
5-12-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: It’s a union movement.In 2010 Karen Lewis was elected President of the Chicago Teachers Union. She headed the slate of candidates organized by the Caucus of Rank and File Educators (CORE). The CORE slate won 60% of the vote in a crushing defeat for the old guard leadership. Micah Uetricht tells the st
5-12-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Why Won't UFT Leadership Debate The Teachers Contract Agreement?It's not too difficult, really - if the agreement is so good, then the UFT leadership ought to send somebody out to debate the contract agreement at Francis Lewis High School this week.But apparently the UFT leadership are scared to do so, since they not only won't debate the contract, they won't even acknowledg
The Toxic Culture of Education | Missouri Education Watchdog
The Toxic Culture of Education | Missouri Education Watchdog: The Toxic Culture of EducationinShareJoshua Katz is a high school math teacher in Orange County Florida. He gave a TEDx talk recently using the metaphor of the super villain archetype to describe the forces that have given us the toxic culture that currently exists in education. The super villain releases a doom onto the world that only
How Organized Citizens Helped de Blasio Sieze Equity-Driven Public Education as Core Issue | janresseger
How Organized Citizens Helped de Blasio Sieze Equity-Driven Public Education as Core Issue | janresseger: How Organized Citizens Helped de Blasio Sieze Equity-Driven Public Education as Core IssuePosted on May 12, 2014 by janressegerIn the spring 2014 issue of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform’s VUE (Voices in Urban Education Reform), Oona Chaterjee, associate director for New York City or
The Importance of Criticizing Philanthropy - Benjamin Soskis - The Atlantic
The Importance of Criticizing Philanthropy - Benjamin Soskis - The Atlantic: The Importance of Criticizing PhilanthropyAn aggressive—even at times an antagonistic—engagement between the public and their benefactors shouldn’t be considered a mark of incivility. It should be considered a democratic imperative.Bill Gates during a 2003 visit to the Manhica Health Research Centre in Mozambique. (Reuter
Michelle Rhee weighs in the education debate talks Common Core | Fox News Video
Key voice in the education debate talks Common Core | Fox News Video: Michelle Rhee weighs in the education debate talks Common Core | Fox News VideoWatch the latest video at
The Trouble With Common Core - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ
The Trouble With Common Core - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ: The Trouble With Common CoreARTICLECOMMENTS (97)smallerLargerfacebooktwittergoogle pluslinked inEmailPrintGeorge Will made an incisive and spirited case against the Common Core on Tuesday’s “Special Report With Bret Baier. Earlier in the broadcast Michelle Rhee, whose efforts in education have earned her deserved admiration, was invited on
NYC Educator: Tell Truth About Contract, Asks UFT
NYC Educator: Tell Truth About Contract, Asks UFT: Tell Truth About Contract, Asks UFTYesterday I got a slew of messages in my inbox encouraging me to get the truth out about the new contract. Apparently the NY Post has declared the UFT has declared war on education reform, and nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.For example, a few months ago G
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESPrincipal Troy LaRaviereSo when people ask me, “Aren’t you afraid of losing your job if you speak out?” this is my answer: I did not travel across an ocean and risk my life to defend American freedoms only to return and relinquish those freedoms to an elected official and his appointed board of education. -- Sun-TimesValerie Leonar


Recruiting students for meals program pays off for East Side Union | EdSource Today
Recruiting students for meals program pays off for East Side Union | EdSource Today: Recruiting students for meals program pays off for East Side UnionMay 11th, 2014 | Add a Comment | By John FensterwaldWith millions of dollars in extra state funding at stake, the staff of the East Side Union High School District spent months recruiting low-income students to sign up for the federal school meals p
Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard Reviews My Book | deutsch29
Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard Reviews My Book | deutsch29: Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard Reviews My BookMay 11, 2014I first read of Georgia State University Emeritus Professor Jack Hassard in connection to his work on the Gates funding of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).In my search of Gates’ CCSS spending, I examined spending specific to the keyword “Common Core” with one addition (For
Charters, Public Schools and a Chasm Between -
Charters, Public Schools and a Chasm Between - Charters, Public Schools and a Chasm BetweenWhen Neil J. McNeill Jr., principal of the Middle School for Art and Philosophy in Brooklyn, learned that fewer than 4 percent of his students had passed state exams in math last year, he was frustrated.It so happened that he shared a building with one of the top-performing schools in the Browns
A Valuable Research Tool: The “Way Back Machine” | deutsch29
A Valuable Research Tool: The “Way Back Machine” | deutsch29: A Valuable Research Tool: The “Way Back Machine”May 11, 2014In exposing corporate reformers at their game, I have found that information sometimes “conveniently” disappears from websites once such information is publicized in a less-than-complimentary blog post.There is a way to view web pages that have been removed or otherwise altered
Schooling in the Ownership Society: The great $660 billion public pension rip-off
Schooling in the Ownership Society: The great $660 billion public pension rip-off: The great $660 billion public pension rip-offEdward Siedle is president of Benchmark Financial Services and is a former investigator with the Security and Exchange Commission's Division of Investment Management. He writes in Sunday's New York Times:Nearly a quarter of all state and local public pension assets have d
Nite Cap 5-11-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 5-11-144LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Duncan: “Achievement gaps among ethnic groups have not narrowed.”: NATIONAL REPORT CARD FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS SHOWS STAGNATION IN MATH+READING + smf
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 5-11-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Duncan: “Achievement gaps among ethnic groups have not narrowed.”: NATIONAL REPORT CARD FOR HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS SHOWS STAGNATION IN MATH+READING + smf’s 2¢Commenting on the 2013 NAEP 'report card' for US hi12th graders, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said,''achievement gaps among ethnic groups have not narrowed.' By Amanda Paulson, Christian Science Mo
What Kind of Education Do Mothers Want for Their Children? | Reclaim Reform
What Kind of Education Do Mothers Want for Their Children? | Reclaim Reform: What Kind of Education Do Mothers Want for Their Children?Posted on May 11, 2014by Ken PrevitiWhat kind of education do mothers want for their children?A) A well rounded education that meets the needs of all of their children – including reading, science, math, nutrition/health, music and all of the arts.“The arts challen
DECONSTRUCTING THE RENAISSANCE - DECONSTRUCTING THE RENAISSANCE (Mensaje se repite en Español)In looking at the long term failure to achieve a viable public education system in the United States by those charged with its efficient implementation, it seems clear that this lack of success has a great deal to do with leadership at all levels of public education that is more concerned wi
Federal Funding a Gravy Train for Charter Schools | Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence (TREE)
Federal Funding a Gravy Train for Charter Schools | Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence (TREE): FEDERAL FUNDING A GRAVY TRAIN FOR CHARTER SCHOOLSposted on May 11, 2014TREE has a rare ask. We are typically very focused on state-level issues around education reform; but, today we are asking you to look at legislation being pushed at the federal level. The federal government is pushing thro
Who Betrayed The Legacy Of Brown V. Board?
Who Betrayed The Legacy Of Brown V. Board?: Who Betrayed The Legacy Of Brown V. Board?So this one’s personal for me.The day they bused the poor kids to my school was the first time I’d ever come face to face with children my age who were so poor they weren’t properly clothed. It was the first time – in a society where I saw separate water fountains for blacks and whites, and the black maid who hel
5-11-14 Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All Week: Ras Baraka & Newark's Last Grasp at Democracy
Jersey Jazzman: Ras Baraka & Newark's Last Grasp at Democracy: Ras Baraka & Newark's Last Grasp at DemocracyIf you believe that America is a democracy, you must also believe, a priori, that Newark, NJ, is not part of America.For the last couple of weeks, it has become painfully, disturbingly clear that Newark -- like many other communities populated by working-poor and working-class people
Charter schools paying millions in taxpayer money to middlemen while students suffer - NY Daily News
Charter schools paying millions in taxpayer money to middlemen while students suffer - NY Daily News: Charter schools paying millions in taxpayer money to middlemen while students sufferBrooklyn Dreams pays $2.3 million to for-profit firm National Heritage Academies to lease space from the Catholic Church — at a price much higher than what the city would normally pay. Dozens of for-profit vendors
Students, Teachers March To Demand Changes To L.A. Public Schools | Neon Tommy
Students, Teachers March To Demand Changes To L.A. Public Schools | Neon Tommy: Students, Teachers March To Demand Changes To L.A. Public SchoolsComments (1)| hannah nguyen, ipad, john deasy, l.a. schools, LAUSD, Los Angeles, los ángeles public schools, march, Pearson, protest, rally, schools l.a. students deserve, students, trojan 18Nearly 100 students, teachers and parents marched toward a busy
5-11-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: UFT Contract: Secretaries Ask MORE for Help After Mulgrew Ignores PleasMulgrew being handed requestsDear Mr. Scott,The secretaries of the UFT have been working under a 1979 contract. Some of the secretaries put together an outline of requests to up date our duties, title and protections against out of license employees being put in our positions. They have not opened up the test o
5-11-14 the becoming radical A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): On Foma and Mendacity: Letting the Cat Out of the BagKurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle and Tennessee Williams’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof may seem at first blush to share only the use of “cat” in their titles, but both works are masterful examinations of something central to the
Saturday’s Book Presentation |
Saturday’s Book Presentation |: Saturday’s Book Presentation This past Saturday, those involved with Arizona State University’s edXchange initiative invited me to speak on VAMs and my new book, Rethinking Value-Added Models: Critical Perspectives on Tests and Assessment-Based Accountability.I would venture to say that most professional fields wouldn’t attract many Saturday lecture attendees. But,
Everything is Untested Until You Test It | Paul Bruno
Everything is Untested Until You Test It | Paul Bruno: Everything is Untested Until You Test ItBy PAUL BRUNO | Published: MAY 11, 2014Teacher tenure is a hot topic in California these days thanks to the Vergara trial, so it was newsworthy when the San Jose chapter of the California Teachers Association asked the State Board of Education for a waiver from state law extending the probationary period
The Philanthropy Paradox | Network Schools - Wayne Gersen
The Philanthropy Paradox | Network Schools - Wayne Gersen: The Philanthropy ParadoxMay 11, 2014wgersenLeave a commentGo to commentsA lengthy BloombergBusinessweek post, “The $13 billion Mystery Angels“, describes the efforts of three philanthropists to use elaborate means of shielding their identities from the public and a lengthy description of how the philanthropists made their fortune through t
Morning Wink 5-11-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTS5-11-14 Schools MatterSchools Matter: KIPP Pre-Ks With 8-9 Hour DaysKIPP's segregated charter reform schools are widely known for their 10 hour days, plus 2 hours of homework each night.  With tons of federal cash soon up for grabs for those who promise to replace the effect of poverty with cultural and character sterilization programs, KIPP has plans to t