Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Adam Bessie shows the corporate teaching automation for what it is | Reclaim Reform

Adam Bessie shows the corporate teaching automation for what it is | Reclaim Reform:

Adam Bessie shows the corporate teaching automation for what it is

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” – Napoleon
What do automated mandated high stakes tests and tech laden charters such as Rocketship mean for children, parents and teachers? The answer is cleverly given in the form of graphic journalism.
Adam Bessie writes a few brilliantly focused words for Arthur King’s terrific graphics to produce a one page history of the causes and conditions of corporate America’s scapegoating of teachers and attempted takeover for profit of education reform. That means that a picture worth a thousand words become 1,000 thoughts.
“While the corporate media hails the mechanization of education as another sign of progress toward a techno-utopia, Adam Bessie teams up with fellow community college instructor and illustrator Arthur King to give readers another perspective in this nonfiction comic, based on extensive research, and their personal experience as veteran educators.”
- Truth-Out editors