Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stephen Krashen Blog 1-12-14


Incubation: A Neglected Aspect of the Composing Process?
S. Krashen ESL Journal 4(2): 10-11. 2001 Remember when you were staring at the ceiling in elementary school, and the teacher asked you whether the answer was on the ceiling? Maybe it was.In a discussion of possible therapies to remediate writing apprehension, Daly (1985) includes these suggestions:"One potentially appropriate therapy for procrastination lies in teaching something akin to ti
Stephen Krashen Blog 1-11-14
SKrashen:Heritage Language Development: Exhortation or Good Stories? Lao, C. and Krashen, S. 2008. Heritage language development: Exhortation or good stories? International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 4 (2): 17-18. Despite the well-researched advantages, not all young people are interested in continuing to develop their heritage language. Their apathy may be due to "ethnic avoidence,