Sunday, January 12, 2014

1-12-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Why Doesn't Bill Gates Try To Fix Microsoft And Leave Public Education Alone?
Didn't get a chance to blog this back in September when it first occurred - another Microsoft screw-up:Computerworld - Microsoft yesterday acknowledged yet another problem with its Sept. 10 updates, confirming that one of those fixes broke Office 2010 Starter Edition by changing the file associations of already-created documents."After installing this update, some users have reported they are

Inherit The Wind
From Political Wire:"We know we didn't come from monkeys! Ladies and gentlemen, they're using your tax dollars to brainwash our children into socialist issues and ideas and it is time for it to stop."-- Texas Board of Education candidate Lady Theresa Thombs (R), quoted by the Dallas Observer, on science education.From Inherit The Wind:

Times Unions Calls Cuomo On His State Of The State Speech
Nice editorial yesterday in the Times-Union, calling Cuomo on his funding for public education, his refusal to either increase funding or reduce state mandates that tax districts to stretching point, and his failure to acknowledge the problems with the state's CCSS implementation and the Endless Testing regime that is in part required by his APPR teacher evaluation system.The editorial writer note

What Was Andrew Cuomo's Involvement In The Christie BridgeGate Scandal?
From Maggie Haberman at Politico:The Wall Street Journal, ahead on the Bridgegate story throughout the scandal, reported in December that Christie reached out to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who co-controls the Port Authority, to ask him to turn down the heat on the internal review of what happened. It was Cuomo’s appointee, Port Authority Executive Director Patrick Foye, who called out the Christi

Why Aren't Bloomberg And Walcott Blamed For This?
We always hear how great Mayor Bloomberg was for the school system, how much better things were after his 12 years of reign than before he took over.Then you get this kind of story from the Post that sounds very much like a school from the "bad-old days":Students at PS 106 in Far Rockaway, Queens, have gotten no math or reading and writing books for the rigorous Common Core curriculum, w
1-11-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Perdido Street School WeekCuomo's Silence On Common Core Speaks VolumesJessica Bakeman at Capital NY:ALBANY—Governor Andrew Cuomo featured education initiatives prominently at his State of the State address Wednesday, but never mentioned the controversial Common Core curriculum standards and the growing unrest among teachers and parents over how the state rolled them out. “T