Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1-22-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs: Ten Demands of the BATS Teachers March on Washington on July 28, 2014

With A Brooklyn Accent: Ten Demands of the BATS Teachers March on Washington on July 28, 2014:

Why BATS Fight the Common Core
CCSS- which I have renamed Common Core Stealth Standards because of how they have been introduced- should be treated as fruit of the poisoned tree. Given the undemocratic manner in which they were developed, rushed through legislatures, and are currently being implemented, teachers and parents should respond to them with the utmost wariness and suspicion. This is ultimate Legislating by the One Pe

Ten Demands of the BATS Teachers March on Washington on July 28, 2014
1. End all federal support for Common Core Standards.2. End all federal grants that require teacher and school ratings based on student scores; end high stakes testing.3. End federal incentives to close and privatize community schools and stop preferring charter schools over public schools.4. Insist on high quality teacher-developed curriculum based upon knowledge of child development, rather than

1-20-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs
With A Brooklyn Accent: The False Prophets of School ReformIt is astonishing to see people who have never taught, or have taught a few years and left, become the major forces shaping education in the United States.. They are guided by a policy ethos,which, if you were describing it in biblical terms, would be regarded as False Idolatry. While holding the human skills great teaching involves in con