Sunday, August 18, 2013

NYC Educator: Arne Duncan Sics His Flying Monkeys on Diane Ravitch

NYC Educator: Arne Duncan Sics His Flying Monkeys on Diane Ravitch:

Arne Duncan Sics His Flying Monkeys on Diane Ravitch

I'm often shocked by what passes for argument nowadays. I don't suppose it's big news that Diane Ravitch has an impending book release. While I can't wait to read it, I follow her blog, and am well aware of her point of view. So, too, is the White House, as represented by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Duncanfailed miserably to help Chicago schools, and thus was called upon by our President to work his magic on the rest of the country.

Former Duncan assistant Peter Cunningham tells us how our tax dollars were being used: of my jobs was to monitor criticism of our policies and develop our responses. 

In other words, he sat around reading blogs and news articles. Nice work if you can get it. And the salary surely must beat that of us lowly teachers.

Cunningham saw fit to attack now, rather than bother to actually read the upcoming book. At some point, the administration was actually communicating with Ravitch.

Over the years, her criticism of the administration became more and more strident. It was increasingly clear that she was not interested in a genuine conversation with us but rather was interested in driving her 
Peter Cunningham