Sunday, August 18, 2013

8-18-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Arson at Madrona Elementary School
The Times reports an arson-based fire at Madrona sometime Sunday morning.  It was reported by someone who drove by the school and reported seeing fire.  (Good thing or there might have been more damage.)  According to the report, the damage was about $1,000 to the exterior of the building, $1,000 to a shed and $500 for the contents of the shed.Any Madrona parents/staff who might know what was in t
Seattle Schools This Week
One update before I start.  When I check the agendas for various District meetings, I generally only check once for committee meetings.  I check more often for Board meetings because (1) things change quickly and (2) there is notification embedded in those Board agendas to alert me to changes.Sadly, this did not happen for the Operations Committee meeting last Thursday.  When I put up last week's
Seattle Schools Community Forum 8-17-13
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Friday CommentI don't do this often but because I saw this huge number of hits with a fairly large number of comments on one post, I wanted to put this out there.This week's Tuesday Open Thread has been one of the most read and commented posts we have had in a long time.  The number of hits is so hit as to preclude it being the same 20 people coming back, again and