Tuesday, July 30, 2013




Parcc 90210
PARCC will be field testing its assessments in fourteen states and DC next spring. Normally I would be firing up the opt out machine to protest another waste of my children’s time but a fellow education advocate gave me a different idea: She stated “the only thing worse than no data is bad data” referencing how […]

With support from @drjohnthompson, the case of the missing teaching experience #optorcop
This is really the last time I need to comment on this because we have to move on. I told you, dear reader, of my attendance at a recent Fordham event on the potential for opt outs of test-based accountability.  Here’s video of my question, comment. When I try to assert my credibility in debates […]

To follow up on Chris Cerrone’s great post on #ECE
Chris Cerrone has a great post up including some examples of first-grade vocabulary from CCSS. Can it be argued as a good thing that first graders are now going to be taught the meaning of Ziggurat? I thought the CCSS was not supposed to be a checklist of things. Check out our most recent interview […]

7-29-13 Schools Matter @ The Chalk Face
SCHOOLS MATTER @ THE CHALK FACE: Hey… hey power? Meet truth. Watch this exchange. Amazing.Former school employee, not sure if she was a teacher or not, but she’s absolutely right: middling class individuals are held to a standard such that private or public errors in judgment have the potential for long-lasting consequences. Then you have this guy, blasts his junk all over the Internet, and he wan