Sunday, May 19, 2013

IRS Targeting, the Atlanta Cheating Scandal and the Bush-Rhee High-Stakes Test Model | Scathing Purple Musings

IRS Targeting, the Atlanta Cheating Scandal and the Bush-Rhee High-Stakes Test Model | Scathing Purple Musings:

IRS Targeting, the Atlanta Cheating Scandal and the Bush-Rhee High-Stakes Test Model

Imagine for a minute that the opposite is true and that the United States abruptly switched from a flat tax to the federal tax code we have now?
Frightening huh?
Yet this is essentially what the nation’s two top education policy-makers in Jeb Bush and Michelle Rhee have imposed on our schools. In the name of “accountability,” the two have succeeded in making the results of standardized high-stakes tests the only thing that matters – just like the slippery calculus of the federal tax code.
What could possibly go wrong?
The conservative groups who have been victimized by what’s quickly unfolding as a partisan political  hit job of