Friday, April 26, 2013

UPDATE: History Repeats Itself + Texas STAAR Guarantees Failure of SpEd Students – @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER

Texas STAAR Guarantees Failure of Special Ed Students – @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER:

History Repeats Itself; First as David Hornbeck, then as “Michelle Rhee”

A couple of weeks ago, John Merrow revealed the “smoking gun” memo showing that Michelle Rhee was warned about the extent of possible cheating in the D.C. schools, and that made him a hero to many teachers.  Then, Merrow started a controversy by posting “Who Created ‘Michelle Rhee.’”  Merrow indicated that Rhee, some corporate reformers, [...]

The Manufactured Support of the Marginalized

A prisoner stands before a court and is told to make a decision between execution and amputation. The prison chooses amputation. Imagine using this situation to claim that amputation is the right thing to do for a generalized population because the prisoner chose it. Now, consider Michelle Alexander in her The New Jim Crow: Yet [...]

I think I figured something out. Surprised?!?

It has always been remarkable to me why we don’t see a prevalence of charter schools and other hallmarks of school choice in rural communities. There is just as much poverty, neglect, abuse, and family discord in these areas. We don’t see “no excuses” approaches or an intense push for universal college participation. I’m perfectly 

Texas STAAR Guarantees Failure of Special Ed Students