Friday, April 26, 2013

Education Reform through Student Action Student Voice

Student Voice:

Education Reform through Student Action

Students: The largest unrepresented group of people in the United States
I am currently at the end of my freshman year in college at the University of Georgia, and have a serious gripe with the education system that dates back to middle school. Now you can say I am just a disgruntled student who just hates homework, but this is not the case. I, like I believe most of us do, love to learn. I love to expand my horizons and truly unlock my academic potential. Unfortunately that rarely happens in classrooms these days. School has become nothing more than a place in which kids go and hear hours and hours of information and are expected to memorize it, then regurgitate it a week later for an exam. Then, once the data is collected and all the test scores received, the top 10% get the accolades, the praise, and eventually the scholarships, while the other 90% struggle to see such positive reinforcement. This attitude and negligence of the majority has led to a major fault in our education system. Just because a student lacks the ability to memorize incalculabl