Thursday, March 28, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-28-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

An Insider Reveals What Happens in Cyber Charter Schools

I have written many posts about the scam and sham of cyber charters. They are highly profitable for their owners and investors, but study after study shows that they provide a poor education. Whatever their value for adults, whatever the value of an online course for a rural student, the cyber charters are a pitiful substitute for a real school with real teachers and real students and real human interaction.
Now comes the inside scoop from a teacher in a cyber charter school. It is very thing it’s critics feared and worse. It is all about making money for the corporation. It is bad education. That is, if you care about children or education or the future of our society.

Response to Absurd N.C. Charter Proposal

A reader comments on the post this morning about a Republican proposal to give a new state charter board authority over charter schools, to low charters to hire as many uncertified teachers as they wish, to eliminate criminal background checks for charter staff and operators, etc.:
He writes:
So let’s get this straight…the same GOP who wants tougher standards, tougher evaluation systems for public school teachers, a school grading (rating) system using an A-F model based on standardized test scores, etc

Hype, Spin, and Deception: The Reform Narrative

Have you heard about the latest miracle school? Have you heard about the school that graduate all students regardless of zip codes? Want to learn more about their success?
EduShyster explains it here.

Camden, NJ, School Board Member: I Quit

After Governor Christie announced his intention to take control of the public schools of Camden, this school board member resigned in protest.
The state has controlled three other impoverished urban districts, some for more than 20 years, without improving them. Paterson, for 24 years; Jersey City for 22 years; and Newark for 18 years.
Based solely on performance, one must say that state control in New Jersey is a total abject failure.
If performance matters, then some other state should take over Camden’s public schools, because the NJ Department of Education has an unbroken record of poor performance. It deserves an F.

NY Times Reports Spread of Vouchers, Ignores ALEC, RTTT

A story today in the New York Times gives an overview of the rapid advance of voucher programs, now found in various forms in 17 states.
What is missing from the article is context. The defenders of unlicensed education quoted are the heads of the unions and spokesmen for LLC school boards. The advocates for vouchers are referred to as “nonpartisan,” like the far-right American Federation for Children. AFS was created by the wealthy DeVos family in Michigan and has been pushing the demolition of public education for many years.
Also unmentioned is the power behind the scenes: ALEC, the far-right organization that has drafted model 

North Carolina Republicans Want Unregulated, Unsupervised Charter$

North Carolina Republican State Senators have filed legislation that would remove oversight of charters by the State Education Board and turn it over to a new board hand picked by the governor.
Charter schools would no longer be required to submit applications to local school boards. All meaningful supervision and oversight would be eliminated.
Local school boards would be required to lease available space to charters for $1 a year. Charters would be 

Where Are the Progressives?

Jeff Bryant decries the phony bipartisan consensus surrounding education “reform.”
He wonders where are the progressives.
He compares the bipartisan consensus around education reform to the bipartisan consensus that prevailed before the war in Iraq, when dissenters were marginalized and ignored.
But he sees hope in the growing rebellion against 

Who Dropped $18,000 into Alabama to Endorse Controversial Law?

Somebody put up at least $18,000 to run ad supporting the so-called Alabama Accountability Act.
A newly formed group called the Foundation for Accountability in Education spent the money but won’t disclose the donors, nor are they legally required to.
The act was rushed through by GOP legislators who had been negotiating with Democrats on a different bill. The 

Diane in the Evening 3-27-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Breaking News: A Desperate Message from Memphis by dianerav I received this email from a high school teacher in Memphis. Please read it and understand that we must organize against the destruction of public education in America. This, plus the court approval of vouchers in Indiana yesterday sends an ominous message: the radical reactionaries are determined to destroy public education. We must fight back. We must awaken parents and civic leaders. This comes from Memphis: “Diane, “Public education in Memphis/... more »