Thursday, March 21, 2013

House Republicans Reeling From Opposition and Weak Defense of Parent Trigger | Scathing Purple Musings

House Republicans Reeling From Opposition and Weak Defense of Parent Trigger | Scathing Purple Musings:

House Republicans Reeling From Opposition and Weak Defense of Parent Trigger

Most observers say that Rep. Carlos Truillo (R-Miami) was bested by a handful of Florida democrat legislators in this week’s Parent Trigger debate in the House. Not only did opponents out number supporters – 23 people speaking in opposition with four in support – the suggestion arose as to just how small the number of parents there are clamoring for what’s called a parent empowerment bill. From James Cal’s story in the Florida Current:
Who are these parents?” asked Donald Peace, a Pasco County teacher with 32 years of experience. He told the committee there is a lack of parents attending school meetings and parent-teacher conferences.
“If these parents were involved in their children’s education it would probably not be a failing school,” Peace said.
Even Trujillo admitted that the turnaround provision is already mandated under federal law and went so far to say,