Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Scrap the Map Event at UW

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Scrap the Map Event at UW:

Ed Reform Flowchart

A very nifty flowchart from our friends at the Seattle Education blog (Sue Peters and Dora Taylor) showing the "lines of influence" both nationally and locally.  They created this awhile back and admit it needs updating like the line between Gates and the Alliance, that Goodloe-Johnson is gone, and there are even more connections than ever in 2013.

Scrap the Map Event at UW

From Scrap the Map:

Standardized testing discussion at University of Washington Physics & Astronomy Bldg Room A102 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. this Thursday, the 28th.

Seattle teachers at Garfield HS, Ballard HS, Chief Sealth HS, the Center School and Orca K-8 voted to stop administering the widely used and highly unfair standardized Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) test. The are now facing the threat of "consequences" for refusing the give the test. Students and parents are joining the struggle in defense of their teachers and their right to a quality education. The outcome of this grassroots movement will have an enormous impact on the future of resistance to high stakes testing around the country!

Diane Ravitch
Educational policy analyst, NYU professor*, former US Assistant Secretary of State

Wayne Au
UW-Bothell Assistant Professor, Member of Rethinking Schools editorial board

Jesse Hagopian
Garfield HS teacher, founding member of Social Equality Educators

Dora Taylor
Founding member of Parents Across America-Seattle, editor of Seattle Education blog

George Lovell
Harry Bridges Endowed Chair in Labor Studies*

Check out for news and resources!

Sponsored by:
Scrap the MAP! organizing committee

Co-sponsored by:
Social Equality Educators
Parents Across America-Seattle

*Listed for identification only