Wednesday, February 27, 2013

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, February 27, 2013

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

Pediatricians oppose school suspension, expulsion

Education Headlines

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stockton USD votes to issue layoff notices

Despite pleas from counselors and from the head of the teachers union, Stockton Unified School District took the first step Tuesday night toward possible layoffs of nearly 100 teachers and counselors.

Desert Sands Unified prepares cuts

The Desert Sands Unified School District will most likely schedule furlough days, layoff employees or increase class sizes if the governor’s plan to redistribute education funding is not approved by the state Legislature.

Chino Valley Unified board delays sale of vacant property

Chino Valley Unified board members will continue discussing what to do with one of the district's vacant properties after hearing that selling the parcel could jeopardize future financing.

Sweetwater mechanic had tow conflict

Sweetwater Union High School District officials are investigating a district employee who signed off on several purchase orders for a tow truck company that also employed him.

SD Unified superintendent to retire

San Diego city schools chief Bill Kowba announced his retirement Tuesday, seven years after retiring from the Navy to take the first of several top posts with California’s second-largest district during the most difficult economic times since the Great Depression.

Deasy group aids three school board candidates

Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy isn't on the ballot Tuesday, but you'd hardly know it, based on the undercurrent of the school board election. A coalition of local organizations, wealthy donors and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa have decided that the election is all about keeping Deasy on the job and accelerating the aggressive policies he's putting into place.

Pediatricians oppose school suspension, expulsion

A group representing pediatricians says disciplining students with out-of-school suspension or expulsion is counterproductive to school goals and should only be used on case by case basis.

LAUSD to hire new sex-abuse investigators

With awareness of child molestation heightened since the Miramonte Elementary case broke a year ago, Los Angeles Unified is creating a special team to investigate sex-abuse allegations.

Many California teachers lack correct credentials

In California, thousands of teachers are instructing in subjects outside their areas of expertise -- and beyond their credentials. The problem is especially prominent in low-performing schools, which lack the resources to attract needed teachers.

Sequestration to affect California schools

School districts across California will lose millions of dollars if the automatic federal budget cuts known as sequestration take effect on Friday. The California Department of Education said statewide, schools could lose about $260 million.

Fensterwald: For now, K-12 districts can wait and watch sequestration unroll

K-12 districts have one advantage over meat inspectors, military contractors, national parks staff, air traffic controllers, Head Start operators (see story) and others facing immediate cuts in federal funding as of Friday’s sequester deadline: time. Because of how districts budget their money, the 5.1 percent reductions in federal revenue that would go into effect March 1 under sequestration won’t be felt by districts until the start of their new fiscal year, July 1. That gives districts four months to plan for the impact ­and Congress and President Obama plenty of time to change their minds – or not.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Layoff notices looming for teachers, counselors

Nearly 100 teachers and counselors may receive initial layoff notices from Stockton Unified ahead of a March 15 state deadline as the school district begins its effort to balance its budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year.

Champion of education for 38 years

Gary Dei Rossi, the 61-year-old deputy superintendent at the San Joaquin County Office of Education, is spending a lot of time reflecting these days. After finishing work Friday, Dei Rossi will retire, completing a career in education that has spanned nearly 38 years, the past 22 at the county office.

San Dieguito to begin first Prop. AA projects this year

In the next few years, residents in the La Costa Valley neighborhood will get new playing fields, parents at Diegueno Middle School will have a much easier time dropping off their children at the campus and students at Sunset High School will finally have permanent buildings.