Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Schools Matter: Chicago Charter to Students: "Track Me" or Pay Up!

Schools Matter: Chicago Charter to Students: "Track Me" or Pay Up!:

Chicago Charter to Students: "Track Me" or Pay Up!

"Track Me!" takes on a whole new dimension when students and their parents are fined for failing to kowtow to every total compliance whim of the slimebags who run the corporate charter reform schools.  In Chicago, these crooks are taking in hundreds of thousands in fines every year from some of the poorest families in Chicago.  Where the hell is the ACLU or the lawyers of the Advancement Project???  Helloooo.

The piece below on the Ignoble Network of Charter Schools is from Melissa Harris-Perry's page.  When you download the 990 from 2010, check out the salaries on p. 7.  In 2013 this one outfit, alone, will soak up $70 million in Chicago education funds intended to support public education:

Chicago charter schools rake in thousands in ‘disciplinary fees’

9:40 pm on 01/03/2013
A student at Noble Street College Prep does classwork at the school in Chicago in February. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)
A student at Noble Street College Prep does classwork at the school in Chicago in February. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)
As public funding for Chicago charter schools increases, so do questions about accountability and governance within these publicly-funded–but privately-run–institutions.
According to the Chicago Public Schools’ 2013 budget, charter