Tuesday, January 8, 2013

UPDATE: No action on pension. Breaking: Once again Nekritz pisses on the Illinois Constitution. « Fred Klonsky

Breaking: Once again Nekritz pisses on the Illinois Constitution. « Fred Klonsky:

Breaking: Illinois House adjourns. No action on pension. We live to fight another day.

At about 4:50, Speaker Madigan moved to adjourn the current session of the Illinois House.
After a 45 minute delay while the Republicans caucused on the last ditch Hail Mary attempt by Representative Nekritz to undermine the Illinois Constitution once again, the House briefly convened and then acted on Madigan’s motion to adjourn.
Make no mistake. For Nekritz and Quinn this was a bad political day.
It is reported that Nekritz never had more than 25 committed yes votes for her bill. And she started with 21 sponsors three weeks ago.
Quinn made a sorrowful plea for action this morning. But nobody listens to Quinn.
And do not underestimate the influence of public employee unions and their members. Thousands of calls. Thousands.
And to those who dismissed Thursday and Friday’s mass actions in Springfield.
Trust me. It was all part of the mix.
We live to fight another day.
Good work you guys.

Breaking: Once again Nekritz pisses on the Illinois Constitution.

As it became clear that the Nekritz pension bomb was going to die in the Illinois House, Democratic Representative Elaine Nekritz has found another way to piss on the Illinois Constitution.
She has filed an amendment that would set up a committee that would write it’s own pension killing bill and which would automatically take effect if the General Assembly did nothing, that is, took no vote aye or nay.
What does the law say about that:

The General Assembly shall enact laws only by bill. Bills may originate in either house, but may be amended or rejected by the other.

No bill shall become a law without the concurrence of a majority of the members elected to each house. Final passage of a bill shall be by record vote. In the