Tuesday, January 29, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 1-29-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Local School Boards to Duncan: Back Off!

The U.S. Department of Education is not supposed to control U.S. education.
It was created to serve schools, protect the rights of the neediest children, and coordinate funding programs, not to tell schools what to do.
One prong of the corporate reform movement seeks to strip local school boards of their responsibility, because they don’t like privatization.
The National School Boards Association listened to Secretary Duncan and a leading Republican member of Congress yesterday, then released this statement:
NSBA contact: Linda Embrey, Communications Office
703-838-6737; lembrey@nsba.org
School Board Leaders Advocate for Less Intrusive Role of the U.S. Department of Education
Alexandria, Va. (Jan. 29, 2013) – More than 700 school board members and state school boards association 

The Biggest Testing Scandal of All

Pearson has a contract with the state of Texas for five years that is worth close to $500 million.
That ought to bring gold-plated service and products to the children of Texas, right?
Pearson is advertising for test graders in Texas on craigslist!
The graders need only a bachelor’s degree, and they wil

Special Education Teacher on Common Core

This NYC teacher of children with autism is having trouble teaching her students the Common Core.
Readers, do you have any advice for her?
“I just started teaching full-time in NYC as a special educator for children with autism. Upon arriving my new job, I have not received any support and help from my administration. With the new common core alignment for my students, I know that many of them are just not ready for that kind of learning yet. It is ashamed that my administration is pushing me to teach my kids how to retell details from a text when some of them still need to learn how to hold a pencil, do potty training, or drawing a line. I am absolutely opposed to this common core 

Diane in the Evening 1-28-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 4 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Why Are We Hoodwinked by Metrics? by dianerav A reader explains why policymakers and the public are hoodwinked by numbers. Follow the links: *Diane-* *I got to this article in the WSJ through the Naked Capitalism blog I read daily:* Bobby Jindal Backs Down–For Now by dianerav Acting in response to a loud outcry and planned protests, Bobby Jindal has decided not to eliminate funding for hospice care for elderly patients on Medicare. The program has gotten a reprieve until June 30. But the administration is still looking for ways to cut the costs, such as by ... more »