Wednesday, January 23, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 1-23-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

How Billionaires Bought New Jersey’s Government

Jersey Jazzman explains a simple concept: When private organizations give money to public agencies, it should be fully disclosed. A couple of legislators actually offered legislation to assure proper oversight, but it was vetoed by Governor Chris Christie, exercising a line-item veto.
In this post, JJ shows how private money is being used to privatize public schools in district after district, without public knowledge or consent.
This stinks.

Teaching in an Age of Injustice

Not long ago, I published a post by Carol Jago, a former president of the National Council of Teachers of English, about how to teach the Common Core in English.
The discussion that followed her post was disturbing. Several teachers said that in their school or district there was a strong mandate to cut back on the teaching of literature. This is absurd, and nothing in the Common Core says there should be less literature. Indeed, if you look at reading across all subject areas, the amount of time devoted to teaching literature in the English class should be untouched.
But even more disturbing were several comments by a teacher in Arkansas named Jamie Highfill. Jamie is in her 

Good News: Pushback to Corporate Reform

Anthony Cody reflects on a year in which the voices of parents and teachers are at last being heard.
The foundations and the U.S. Department of Education and ALEC were having a field day, pushing untried and noxious policies without debate, until 2012.
Then things got interesting.
Reform hero Tony Bennett was

Debunking the New Orleans “Miracle,” part 1

Today, a brave and brilliant teacher in Louisiana joins the honor roll as a champion of public education.
Mercedes Schneider is a teacher in St. Tammany Parish. She has a Ph.D. In statistics and research methods.
When she learned about the latest claim of a miracle in New Orleans, she determined to check the facts. At a time when so many teachers are frightened and intimidated, she was fearless. At a time when teachers in 

Debunking the New Orleans “Miracle,” Part 2

In education, as we learn regularly, when a claim seems to good to be true, it is usually too good to be true. (See test scores, Noyes school, District of Columbia.)
Recently, Leslie Jacobs–a founder of the charter takeover in New Orleans–claimed that students in New Orleans 

Diane in the Evening 1-22-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 4 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Danger: Privatization in Texas by dianerav The new leadership of the Texas legislature has a plan. State Senator Dan Patrick, the new chair of the Senate Education Committee, wants vouchers, more charters, and a fast track for closing down public schools. He and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst want to shorten the time that schools have to improve or close–from five years to only two. That should clear the way for lots of vouchers and charters! Allen Weeks, who heads the Save Texas Schools coalition in the state, wrote an article about the privatization agenda. H... more »