Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

A Pennsylvania Parent Reflects on Teacher Heroes

Blogger Yinzercation is a parent of little children in Pennsylvania. She was reluctant to send them to school, but she did with assurances that they would be okay.
And she thought about the teachers and principal in Newtown. She read that there was a plan in Newtown to cut the budget of the schools, possibly eliminating the music teachers and the librarian. They too had sheltered the children.
As Yinzercation points out, the story in Newtown is about the heroism of dedicated professionals. It is also about the political context in which we protect our students, our teachers, and public education. Not just their physical safety, which is paramount, but the security and resources that enable them to teach and learn without fear.

Tasteless: StudentsFirst Ad Attacks Teachers in NYC

While I was watching the television coverage of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, an ad came on that was very upsetting. Sponsored by StudentsFirst ad, it was a typically deceptive TV ad depicting teachers and parents who demand that teachers be evaluated by test scores. It implies that teachers are slackers and need a swift kick to get to work. If they are evaluated, they claim, this will have a revolutionary effect on the schools.
Showing this anti-teacher ad at this moment in time was utterly tasteless. Just as we are watching stories about teachers and a principal and school psychologist who were gunned down protecting little children, we have to see this tawdry ad. Given the timing, it is political pornography.
The ad is meretricious. It does not mention that the city published the names and ratings of thousands of 

Beautiful Statement by Connecticut’s Teacher of the Year

A reader (Linda from Connecticut) called my attention to this beautiful commentary by David Bosso, who is Connecticut’s teacher of the year for 2012. He explains his reaction to the tragic events at Newtown and how the brave actions of his colleagues helps the public understand the work of teachers. Every teacher in America is grieving their loss but is proud to be a teacher, inspired by their sacrifice and their love of their students.
He writes:
“To so many, the educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School demonstrate that the core values of education mirror the greatest ideals of humanity, and they are exemplars in this regard. They offer us hope, and reinforce 

A Suggestion for a Meaningful Holiday Gift

Make a contribution to the Brady Center, which works against guns and the NRA.
Gun advocates think he answer is that everyone should pack a weapon. They want armed teachers and principals. Shoot outs in school.
How about if no one had a gun except law officers?
Give a gift to the Brady Center to honor those you love and to honor those who died in Newtown, the babies and their teachers and principal.

A Member of NY Regents: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

For the past year and more, the New York State Board of Regents has spent a huge proportion of its time designing and debating a test-based educator evaluation system. The system was developed by AIR (American Institutes for Research) and has been criticized as inaccurate by Bruce Baker, who says that even AIR recognizes how flawed the system is. Yet Governor Cuomo, Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor Tisch say “full 

Letter to President Obama from Connecticut Founder Of Parents Across America

Wendy Lecker, a parent activist in Stamford, Connecticut, has sent a powerful letter to President Obama.
The link is here.
The letter is here:
Parents Across America grieves with the community of Newtown, Connecticut over the loss of their precious 

Michelle Rhee Comes Out Against Guns in Schools

Well, this is a relief:
This morning, StudentsFirst CEO Michelle Rhee drafted a memo to the organization’s senior staff — it was later sent internally to the entire StudentsFirst staff — regarding the organization’s opposition to any and all proposed laws that would allow guns in schools. That memo is printed below in its entirety.
TO: SF Staff
FROM: Michelle
DATE: December 18, 2012
RE: Gun Control Laws
As an education reform organization, we try hard to remain singularly focused on those issues that directly affect student achievement, and to abstain from broader policy debates and political discussions that are outside our mission.
It is for that reason we did not take a position on measures like the one on the governor’s desk in Michigan that 

Diane in the Afternoon 12-18-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 5 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Breaking News: Governor Snyder Vetoes Bill to Allow Guns in Schools by dianerav Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan vetoed a bill that would have allowed guns in schools. His reason was that the bill did not have a provision allowing schools to opt out if they didn’t want guns in their buildings. Presumably the next legislature, if so inclined, could make that fix. Let’s hope not. Guns don’t belong in Katie Osgood Comments on the Twitter Debate by dianerav There has been a raging Twitter debate about whether my post “Hero Teachers of Newtown” disrespected Te... more »