Saturday, December 29, 2012

Coop Connections and #RECHAT « Cooperative Catalyst

Coop Connections and #RECHAT « Cooperative Catalyst:

Coop Connections and #RECHAT

All of us here can speak to someone else here who has made a difference in our lives, I think. That goes for everyone–readers, writers, thinkers, all….This is a great place to share, to learn to think together and grow as catalysts for each other and others not here.
John T Spencer is one of those people for me…so much of what he writes is simply astounding and astute…and as he works to rethink education, he involves people in as many ways as he can. Last Saturday I discovered the Twitter chat he began, called #rechat–a chat to “rethink, reflect and reimagine education.”He made an open call at the end for people who wanted to help moderate and I volunteered.
This morning we did that together, and had quite a “hopping conversation” as someone called it.  The topic was play and its role in school, although the conversation really delved more into the value of play and what it does for people, I think.  However, we talked briefly about what we observe and what we can learn about a kid when