Saturday, December 29, 2012

Come Saturday Morning: I Feel I Must Apologize | Firedoglake

Come Saturday Morning: I Feel I Must Apologize | Firedoglake:

Come Saturday Morning: I Feel I Must Apologize

Dear Fellow Firedogs, Gentle Readers, and Other Sane and Sensible Citizens of the Planet Earth:
As a resident of Minnesota, I feel I must apologize for the actions of Tony Cornish and Bradlee Dean, especially as they pertain to the recent school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut.
Tony Cornish is the violence-obsessed Republican state representative from Good Thunder who thinks along with Wayne LaPierre that arming teachers and militarizing schools are good ideas because the Israelis do these things — except that as Bluestem Prairie’s Sally Jo Sorensen notes, they don’t:
Apparently, Israelis aren’t happy being dragged into America’s gun control debate, either. InIsraelis shoot down NRA’s claim that the Jewish State uses more weapons to keep schools safe