Wednesday, November 28, 2012

UPDATE: Rahm’s school closing bill passes IL House We Are One sets the dates for Springfield action. More (hopefully) to come. « Fred Klonsky

We Are One sets the dates for Springfield action. More (hopefully) to come. « Fred Klonsky:

Rahm’s school closing bill passes IL House. Senate next. Here the list of who voted for it in the House.

SB547 contained an amendment written by Representative Barbara Flynn Currie that gave the Mayor what he wanted.
He can now delay providing a the list of schools he plans to close until summer. They were supposed to be published December 1st.
Don’t be fooled by the title of the Senate Bill. It is ironically titled Sanitarium Animals. It is known as a shell bill. It just sits there waiting to be used for devious purposes. As in this case.
Read Curtis Black’s excellent report of the issue here.
       SENATE BILL 547

Nov 28, 2012
Y  Acevedo
Y  Arroyo
Y  Barickman
N  Beiser
Y  Bellock
Y  Berrios
Y  Biss
Y  Bost
Y  Bradley
Y  Brady
Y  Brauer
Y  Brown
Y  Burke,Daniel
Y  Franks
N  Burke,Kelly   
N  Gabel
Y  Krezwick
Y  Reis
N  Riley
Y  Rita
Y  Rose
N  Rosenthal
Y  Roth

N  Sacia
Y  Saviano
Y  Schmitz
Y  Senger
Y  Sente
N  Sims
N  DeLuca
Y  du Buclet
Y  Dugan
N  Dunkin
Y  Durkin
N  Evans,Marcus 
Y  Mathias
Y  Evans,Paul   
Y  Mautino
Y  Farnham      
Y  May
Y  Feigenholtz  
N  Mayfield
N  Flowers
N  Ford
Y  Fortner
Y  McAsey
Y  McAuliffe
N  Mell
N  Mitchell,Bill  
Y  Sommer
Y  Mitchell,Jerry 
E  Sosnowski
Y  Cabello
Y  Carli
N  Cassidy
Y  Cavaletto
Y  Chapa LaVia   
Y  Hammond
Y  Coladipietro  
N  Harris,David 
Y  Nekritz
Y  Gaffney
Y  Golar
E  Gordon
Y  Halbrook
Y  Moffitt
Y  Morrison
Y  Morthland
E  Mulligan
Y  Mussman
Y  Soto
Y  Sullivan
N  Thapedi
Y  Tracy
Y  Tryon
N  Turner
Y  Unes
N  Verschoore
Y  Walsh
N  Watson
N  Williams
N  Winters
Y  Cole
Y  Connelly
N  Costello
Y  Crespo
Y  Cross
N  Cunningham    
Y  Jakobsson    
Y  Poe
Y  Currie        
Y  Jefferson    
Y  Pritchard      
Y  Yarbrough
Y  D'Amico       
N  Jones       
Y  Ramey          
Y  Zalewski
N  Davis,Monique 
Y  Kay          
Y  Reboletti      
Y  Mr. Speaker
P  Davis,William 
Y  Kosel
N  Harris,Greg  
E  Nybo
Y  Hatcher      
Y  Osmond
Y  Hays         
Y  Penny
Y  Hernandez    
Y  Phelps
Y  Jackson      
Y  Pihos
Y  Lang
Y  Leitch
P  Lilly
Y  Lyons

We Are One sets the dates for Springfield action. More (hopefully) to come.

With time growing short and rank-and-file pressure mounting, the leadership of the state’s public employee unions have set the week of January 3rd for action in Springfield.
This coincides with the lame duck session of the General Assembly. Legislators who will not be returning to the next General Assembly will be voting on a range of issues. Maybe our pensions.
Since they are not returning, many consider themselves less accountable to their political bosses. Are they feeling accountable to their consciences? To the promises that were made to the state’s public service workers? That remains to be seen.
As of this posting, the We Are One coalition of public employee unions has not spelled out what action is planned.
If the past is any indication of the future, it will focus on lobbying state political leaders and members of the General Assembly.
Will that be enough?