Tuesday, November 6, 2012

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-6-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Destructive Reforms Fail

Teacher/poet Glen Brown points out what is obvious to educators yet utterly unknown to our nation’s leaders:
The privatization movement (aka “reform”) is failing.
It demoralizes teachers.
It punishes children who don’t give the answers the test makers want.
It is wrong.
It is antagonistic to good education.
It is failing, failing, failing.
It has no constructive ideas.
Only carrots and sticks.

District Reform: No Sit-Downs

Teachers in Magnesia, Texas, were in for a big surprise when they reported to their schools one day recently and found their chairs had been removed.
They quickly learned that they were on the cutting edge of the latest reform idea.

How “Reform” Affects a Special Education Classroom

A reader writes:
I could not agree more with this letter. As a Special Education Teacher, I can say that no one sees the fear and tears more than those in the special education realm. My students, who have been identified and have IEPs stating that they are not intellectually capable of completing grade level work, are required to take the same tests along side their peers.
Yes, I can read the content area exams to them, but it doesn’t help if they are unable to retain the information. The ELA exams are even more upsetting because I am forced to put grade-level text in front of them, read the 

Shadowy Groups Back Prop 32 in California

Far-right groups sent $11 million to try to crush labor unions in California.
No surprise there. Need to know more about real donors.
Too many billionaires in this country trying to silence voices of working people, especially teachers.

Help! Someone Collect All the Elections that Privatizers Are Buying

I keep seeing articles about elections influenced by out-of-state and out-of-district contributions.
Sometimes, as in Los Altos, California, and in New Orleans, the elections are for local school board.
Sometimes, as in Louisiana, the election is for state school board.
Sometimes, as in Indiana and Idaho, the election is for state superintendent.
Sometimes, the election is a ballot initiative, as in Georgia, which is voting on whether to give the Governor the authority to create a commission to authorize charter schools even if the local school board objects; and in 

Please Vote. Your Vote Matters.

If you live in one of the battleground states, I urge you to vote to re-elect President Obama.
Though many of us oppose his Race to the Top, please vote for him for other reasons.
We can’t allow a reactionary, backward-looking Republican Party to take charge of this nation’s future. We can’t allow a rightwing administration to shape the Supreme Court.
I urge you to vote for President Obama. Once he is re-elected, we will continue to pressure him to strengthen our 

Please Help Hurricane Victims

Families on the south shore of Long Island were devastated by the hurricane.
Many lost everything.
Principal Carol Burris is collecting supplies for children and families at South Side High School.
Here is the address.
South Side HS
140 shepherd st.
Rockville centre, NY 11570
carol Burris writes:
What the kids need is warmth. We near the shore have been living without power and heat for over a week in damp houses. On long beach island, where many of my teachers live, it is worse…they have no water or working toilets.. There are many little ones who are poor…about 25% of Long Beach students receive free or reduced 


coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] A Teacher Grades the Houston Independent School District by dianerav This teacher in Houston reviews what is happening in HISD schools. Anyone know the HISD superintendent Terry Grier? The teacher’s evaluation: **Another transplanted North Carolina education experience. I teach in Texas in the largest school district that has inherited one of North Carolina’s education mediums, T. Grier. In his ready, shoot, aim masterplan, all teachers are graded on the growth of their students on a year to year basis, as th... more »

Diane in the Evening 11-5-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 6 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: *Don't Forget to Vote For PUBLIC Education* DC Teacher to Washington State Voters by dianerav Erich Martel retired as a much-respected veteran social studies teacher in the DC public schools. He offered this warning to voters on the other side of the continent, in Washington State: From: Erich Martel To: voters in Washington State November 5, 2012 Charter Expansion (Ballot Initiative I-1240) Will Harm, Not Help, Public School Students in Washington State: Insights from the Other Washington, the Washington (DC) Public Schools - Charter schools are private scho... more »